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The method consists of vacuuming by negative pressure the different layers of fat. Sometimes it’s done by different methods such as ultrasound or vaser, also by heat laser mechanisms that allow a better retraction of the skin and a good post surgical, pain and swelling recovery. Even though it’s an invasive treatment it has a low complication degree and it has an excellent result in experienced hands getting to improve the corporal contour. Among the different methods we use to improve different corporal defects we can find the lipoinjection which consists on re-inserting previously treated fat (graft) on the places we want to improve such as the face and the buttocks. You have to keep in mind that this treatment requires a good post surgical handling. The patient must remain with bandages for a large period of time, it also has to get the massage treatment and he/she even has to use the ultrasound. Having explained this, we recommend that all of the patients coming from abroad must remain at least 8 days in the city. I also recommend that the person starts some good habits such as exercise and good nourishment, that way the results can be maintained through time.

Body Counturing