The nose job is one of the most complex procedures and the one that demands more challenges to the surgeon because it is one of the parts of the body that plays an important role on the person’s looks and it also has important functional characteristics. That is why it needs to have a balanced final functional result with the face. For a better understanding of the patients, the nose is build with several aesthetic components that we have to evaluate: the back (nasal hump), lateral deviations of the back and septum, width and back balance with the nose profile, pointed shape and wing nostrils as well as the relation or angle position that it has related to the upper lip
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This concludes in an evaluation of the group of all the variants at the moment of doing a rhinoplasty resulting in an adequate outcome for the patient’s face. In some rhinoplasty cases there are those who need to increase their volume in which case it’s done with cartilage grafts taken from the same nose or more commonly used, from the ears. The approach for the surgery in usually done from the inside of the nose (closed). However, there are cases in which the approach has to be done opening the nasal passage (open). It varies depending on the complexity of the case. The functional defect sometimes is solved improving the deformity. In some cases with complex obstructions, I attempt to realize the procedure with a Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon Doctor, as this is the suitable person for these cases. The use of splints is totally at the surgeon’s discretion. However I don’t usually use splints for long periods of time.